Impact Investing

Impact Investment in Agricultural Sustainability: Driving Positive Social and Environmental Change in Vietnam’s Farming Sector

This article delves into the potential of existing impact investment initiatives and case studies to identify key opportunities, challenges, and best practices. The aim is to leverage impact investment to not only support sustainable agricultural practices but also to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and mitigate the environmental impacts of conventional farming methods. By highlighting the positive changes that impact investment can drive, we aim to inspire a sense of hope and optimism for the future of sustainable agriculture in Vietnam.

Sustainability Leadership

Assessing the Impact of Sport for Development Programmes on Gender Equality: Challenges and Opportunities

The importance of robust evaluation practices and impact measurement cannot be overstated in demonstrating the effectiveness of Sport for Development initiatives. These practices are not only instrumental in promoting gender equality and fostering continuous improvement, but also play a pivotal role in attracting crucial donor support.

Organizational Report

Sustainable Capitalism: Balancing Corporate Competitiveness with Impact

This article proposes a pathway toward achieving a balance between addressing social issues and enhancing corporate value, ultimately fostering a return to corporate and industrial competitiveness and driving economic growth.

Cover Story

Applying Global Insights to Accelerate the Sustainable and Impact Investing Journey in Asia

The Asian Sustainable and Impact Investing (SII) ecosystem can continue to leverage global lessons related to impact measurement and management, policy, and the green transition to accelerate the adoption of SII.

Environmental Impact

Sustainable Agribusiness in the Philippines: Three Transformative Examples of Environmental Impact 

In recent years, the agribusiness sector has been noted to be making conscious efforts to rectify the negative impacts attributed to it. This article discusses three examples of sustainable agribusiness initiatives in the Philippines: a social enterprise, a family business, and a processors’ association. The examples, which have successfully achieved profitability and sustainability, serve as beacons of hope for the future of agribusiness in the Philippines, instilling a sense of optimism in the reader.


Tackling Impact Washing: Integrating the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard with the SDG Impact Standards

This article argues that implementing the SDG Impact Standards would be best complemented by adopting corporate performance management tools such as the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard (SBSC). The analysis demonstrates that the SDG Impact Standards can address many of the perceived shortcomings of the SBSC.

Pioneers Post

Accounting is the Blind Spot of Economics – We Ignore it at Our Peril

Accounting is overlooked in economic theory, limiting its potential to address social and environmental challenges. It determines value distribution. Reimagine accounting as a driver of the economy, reflecting social rights and responsibilities to create a more holistic approach.

Book Review

The Impact Challenge: Reframing Sustainability for Businesses

First in the Impactful Data Science series by Taylor and Francis, The Impact Challenge defines a toolkit that helps businesses identify an organizational learning curve before developing impact targets.