Case Study

Operationalizing Social Value Strategy: How to Connect Operational Activities to Social Value Goals

This study examines operationalizing Social Value (SV) in an organization through a case study of ISG Ltd. We propose the “Connect Activities to Goal” (CAG) framework (Capacity Building, Action Planning, Guided Behavior) to bridge the gap between SV strategy and measurable SV goals.


Standard Conversion as a Guardian of Impact Measurement

Standard Conversion points out the future direction of improvements in current impact measurement approaches.

Pioneers Post

Venture Capitals Investment for Impact Pulls Back in 2022 Worldwide

Global venture investment in impact startups dropped in 2022 after a record high last year amidst a general slowdown in the venture capital market.

Book Review

An Introduction to Generation Impact: International Perspectives on Impact Accounting

Editor of Generation Impact highlights important themes of the book, elucidating the imperative of impact management and impact accounting for an equitable and sustainable future.

Research Highlights

Critiquing the Commodification of Social Value

An analysis of the marketization and commodification of ‘Social Value’ within third-sector organizations, in the case of SIBs and SROI.

Impacter Insights

Transforming the World with Impact Management: An Interview with SVI’s CEO Ben Carpenter

Impacter Insights from the CEO of Social Value International on four major initiatives of SVI, SVI’s relationship with the SDGs, and his take on the impact of AI.

Cover Story

UNDP SDG Impact Standards – Decision Making for Sustainability

Assurance Framework Lead of SDG Impact Standards explains the new flagship decision-making tool of UNDP toward sustainability and against Impact Washing.

Research Highlights

Measuring and Communicating Social Impact: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Enterprises in Australia 

The social enterprise sector in Australia is diverse. Social enterprises are facing significant challenges in communicating and measuring impact, but opportunities are arising to build capacity in impact measurement.