Research Highlights

Creating a Common Language for Impact Assessment

Impact investors often need to deal with a complex list of impact metrics. We review different methods of harmonizing the impact metrics by monetization to provide a standardized assessment of sustainable investments.

SROI to Impact Management Norms

SROI to IMN Case Study 5: Yang Sheng Foundation’s Self-Healing Enhancement Program for Older Adults

The Yang Sheng Foundation (YSF) launched the Self-Healing Enhancement Program for the elderly in Taiwan, bringing out significant social value, as demonstrated in the original report.

SROI to Impact Management Norms

SROI to IMN Case Study 3: Recycling Lives Charity and Social Enterprise

Recycling Lives Charity and Social Enterprise assisted rehabilitated people, people experiencing homelessness, and families suffering from food shortages in northwest England to survive life’s hardships.

SROI to Impact Management Norms

SROI to IMN Case Study 2: Wellsprings Women’s Support Program

Australia’s female immigrants’ physical and mental health urgently needs attention and assistance, and Wellsprings for Women’s activities have indeed brought many positive changes.

SROI to Impact Management Norms

SROI to IMN Case Study 1: Local Value Chain Development In Indonesia

Knowledge is essential to poverty alleviation, especially for those who farm in areas rich in natural resources but still live in poverty. To improve access to profitable markets for smallholder farmers and producers in Indonesia, World Vision Indonesia initiated the Local Value Chain Development (LVCD) project from April 2009 to March 2012 in 16 villages on Flores Island.


Social Return on Investment for Greater Impact

The Social Return On Investment framework is one of the tools we can use to evaluate projects, calculate the created social impact, and therefore bring societies closer to positive change.


Standard Conversion as a Guardian of Impact Measurement

Standard Conversion points out the future direction of improvements in current impact measurement approaches.

Pioneers Post

Six Social Enterprise Essentials: A Common Accounting Framework is Now Vital

Social enterprise pioneer Freer Spreckley explains why accounting for all costs is essential – and proposes an update of the social accounting and audit system he first designed in the 1980s.

Organizational Report

Impact Management for the Power of Love Platform by Taishin Charity Foundation

Background Taishin Charity Foundation (TCF), founded in 2010 to support small and medium-sized nonprofits and social enterprises, launched Taiwan’s first large-scale online charity campaign called “The Power of Love Platform” (PLP), along with the assistance of capacity building at the organizational level. TCF has adopted the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to assess the […]

Case Study

Combining Impact Measurement and Management: A Case Study in Improving Elderly Care in the UK

The case study shows how combining impact measurement and management improved after-care support for elderly patients in a UK health organization. Patient outcomes improved significantly through data-driven insights, staff training, and real-time feedback.