Impact Investing

Yunusian Social Business in the Impact Investment Ecosystem

In the impact investment paradigm, social business (SB) emerges as a beacon of hope, a profit-with-purpose-driven model that includes the zero-return (non-dividend) financing approach. It capaciously yields higher social benefits by virtue of its seven operational principles. SB’s impact could be profoundly enhanced by anchoring it with grants, social investment wholesalers, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals.

Impacter Insights

The Conversation with Pioneers Post’s Founder Tim West on the Power of Journalism for Social Change and the Evolution of Social Enterprises and Impact Investing

Discover Tim West’s journey from opera to impactful journalism in our latest feature, exploring the evolution of social enterprises and the transformative power of purpose-driven media.

Case Study

Operationalizing Social Value Strategy: How to Connect Operational Activities to Social Value Goals

This study examines operationalizing Social Value (SV) in an organization through a case study of ISG Ltd. We propose the “Connect Activities to Goal” (CAG) framework (Capacity Building, Action Planning, Guided Behavior) to bridge the gap between SV strategy and measurable SV goals.

Impacter Insights

Revolutionizing Philanthropy: Naina Batra’s Trailblazing Path in Asian Impact Investment

Naina Batra, CEO of AVPN, joins AIMR to discuss the groundbreaking Asian network’s journey, its role as an ecosystem builder, Asian representation, what venture philanthropy means, and paving the way for tomorrow’s leaders of Asia.

Regional Report

The Power of Impact Investments to Make Real Change on a Regional Scale

With the Australian Government recently bringing blended finance into their international development strategy, looking at how impact investment could bring real change in the region is timely.

Case Study

Unlocking Business Potential through Gender Inclusion: Insights from the Gender Smart Nexus Benchmark Report

The Gender Smart Nexus platform aids organizations in evaluating and enhancing gender inclusion. The report shows that while many enterprises recognize the importance of gender inclusion, there is substantial room for greater organizational transformation.

Impacter Insights

Transforming the World with Impact Management: An Interview with SVI’s CEO Ben Carpenter

Impacter Insights from the CEO of Social Value International on four major initiatives of SVI, SVI’s relationship with the SDGs, and his take on the impact of AI.

Research Highlights

Measuring and Communicating Social Impact: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Enterprises in Australia 

The social enterprise sector in Australia is diverse. Social enterprises are facing significant challenges in communicating and measuring impact, but opportunities are arising to build capacity in impact measurement.

Case Study

Managing for Better Impact

Several years ago, Think Impact made a subtle yet significant shift in the language used around their services. This influenced how they worked with clients and their approach to supporting clients to manage for better impact.