Impact Investing

Yunusian Social Business in the Impact Investment Ecosystem

In the impact investment paradigm, social business (SB) emerges as a beacon of hope, a profit-with-purpose-driven model that includes the zero-return (non-dividend) financing approach. It capaciously yields higher social benefits by virtue of its seven operational principles. SB’s impact could be profoundly enhanced by anchoring it with grants, social investment wholesalers, corporations, and high-net-worth individuals.

Case Study

The Value of Impact Measurement and Management: Lessons from a Youth Employment Program in South Africa

Impact assessment and measurement are vital to achieving the desired outcomes of impact-first as well as sustainable impact investment strategies, as illustrated by this case study of a South African youth employment program.

Case Study

Operationalizing Social Value Strategy: How to Connect Operational Activities to Social Value Goals

This study examines operationalizing Social Value (SV) in an organization through a case study of ISG Ltd. We propose the “Connect Activities to Goal” (CAG) framework (Capacity Building, Action Planning, Guided Behavior) to bridge the gap between SV strategy and measurable SV goals.

Research Highlights

Creating a Common Language for Impact Assessment

Impact investors often need to deal with a complex list of impact metrics. We review different methods of harmonizing the impact metrics by monetization to provide a standardized assessment of sustainable investments.

Cover Story

The Growing Momentum of Impact Investing and the Impact Economy in Japan and Beyond

In 2023, ‘impact’ is a common language in Japan, signifying the rise of the impact economy, incorporating impact management into investment, business, consumption, and government.

Case Study

How Impact Investors Move from Impact Measurement to Managing for Impact

To maximize positive impact, impact investors need to move from impact measurement to managing for impact, which requires a systemic integration of impact into decision-making on four levels: deal, portfolio, organization and system.

Organizational Report

The Latest Impact Investment Trends in Japan

Impact investing is gaining momentum in Japan, backed by governmental initiatives and private sector participation. This article highlights the two critical programs driving this growth and their implications.

Organizational Report

Impact Frontiers and Impact-Financial Integration

Impact Frontiers is a non-profit field-building organization focused on impact management. Impact-financial integration is a norm stewarded by Impact Frontiers, and can help investors address impact and financial considerations in their decision-making.

Pioneers Post

Is Your Impact Better than Mine? Impact Investors Frustrated by Inability to Compare with Peers

Impact investors face challenges in comparing results with peers, with 75% citing it as a significant issue. The Global Impact Investing Network urges leadership and data sharing for improvement.

Pioneers Post

What is Social Value?

What does ‘social value’ actually mean? How is it used in practice? Stephanie Robertson and Ada Yip, co-chairs at Social Value International, have the answers in our latest explainer.