Research Highlights

Beyond ESG: Embracing Impact Measurement for Real Sustainable Finance

The Value Model and Impact Measurement and Management overcome ESG ratings’ limitations by emphasizing measurable outcomes, transparency, and stakeholder inclusivity, enabling sustainability and finance professionals align financial returns with meaningful societal and environmental impacts.

Research Highlights

Refining Impact Measurement: Multi-Dimensional Performance Models for Social Enterprises

Traditional models, such as the Balanced Scorecard and SROI, fall short in holistically assessing both financial and social outcomes in social enterprises, necessitating a more comprehensive, standardized, multi-dimensional evaluation approach.

Research Highlights

Creating a Common Language for Impact Assessment

Impact investors often need to deal with a complex list of impact metrics. We review different methods of harmonizing the impact metrics by monetization to provide a standardized assessment of sustainable investments.

Research Highlights

Critiquing the Commodification of Social Value

An analysis of the marketization and commodification of ‘Social Value’ within third-sector organizations, in the case of SIBs and SROI.

Research Highlights

Impact Measurement: A Review of Recent Literature

The complexity and progress in impact measurement focus mainly on four critical areas: choosing appropriate tools, the stakeholder’s involvement, the controversy over standardization, and the development of frameworks for large-scale evaluations.

Research Highlights

Measuring and Communicating Social Impact: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Enterprises in Australia 

The social enterprise sector in Australia is diverse. Social enterprises are facing significant challenges in communicating and measuring impact, but opportunities are arising to build capacity in impact measurement.