
Value Creation


Entities create (or destroy) value through the value they create (or destroy) for their entity (and its shareholders/owners/providers of finance) and Stakeholders (people and planet). Through the process of creating (or destroying) value, entities have an impact (positive or negative, direct or indirect, intended or unintended) on sustainable development and achieving the SDGs. Achieving the SDGs is critical to creating both long-term value for entities (and their shareholders/owners/ providers of finance) and Stakeholders (people and planet). The concept of Enterprise value creation is broader than the concept of Enterprise value. The concept of value creation encapsulates value created across multiple capitals (for instance, human, natural, social and financial or economic value) for the Enterprise and for Stakeholders. The concept of Enterprise value refers exclusively to financial capital for the Enterprise and its shareholders/owners/providers of finance i.e. the Enterprise’s market capitalization plus debt.


Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations. (2020, September 17). IFAC. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from

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